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Educational Services

Life Insight’s educational planning services help parents navigate the intricate process of academic accommodations. All too often, parents find themselves lost while trying to understand what resources and services their child may be entitled to under special education laws and guidelines. In fact, many find themselves wondering if their child’s program is sufficient enough to help him or her make meaningful progress. Our clinicians take the uncertainty out of the equation and determine what supports your child may require, explaining the difference between an Individualized Education Program (IEP), 504 plan as well as an Intervention and Services plan. We know that no two children are alike, irrespective of their diagnosis, and strive to match your child’s profile with the right program.

Our comprehensive evaluations assess the effectiveness and quality of educational interventions and curricula. These reviews examine various aspects, including instructional methods, student outcomes, and overall program alignment with educational standards and goals. By conducting direct observations across settings and gathering objective data as well as feedback from educators, students, and parents, Life InSight's program reviews help identify strengths, pinpoint areas for improvement, and ensure that programs are meeting the needs of your child. We have worked with families and school districts alike, to provide an unbiased assessment, recommendations and expert testimony on whether a child’s programming meets the legal requirements of FAPE (Free and Appropriate Public Education).


1. Parent/Guardian Intake

We begin with a thorough understanding of your child, diving into his/her developmental, medical, educational, and psychological history.

2. Review Of Records

A detailed review of your child’s past testing, academic records, medical records, etc. is conducted to understand his/her learning profile and services to date.

3. Collateral Consultation

Feedback from relevant providers (i.e. speech therapists, psychologists, medical professionals, etc.) and school staff is essential in obtaining additional insight into your child’s strengths/weaknesses and programming needs.

4. School Observation

An observation will be completed to assess your child’s behavioral response to teachers and peers, social interactions with peers, ability to work independently, compliance with adult directives, ability to sustain attention with tasks, and any withdrawal or anxiety in the classroom.

4. Program Observation

An observation of the current and/or proposed program will be conducted to better understand interventions, accommodations, and support services.

4. Report Write-Up and Feedback

A detailed report will be developed that focuses on your child’s unique profile and related diagnoses. It will also include an overview of services and outcomes to date, as well as recommendations for programs/interventions that will help your child make meaningful progress.

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