A logo for life insight with a tree and a river in the background.

Diagnostic Testing

Life InSight offers a wide range of testing options, including comprehensive neuropsychological assessments. Such assessments  provide a view of how brain function affects behavior, cognition and learning, which leads to more effective and targeted interventions. We maintain a philosophy that testing is an art and a science that incorporates precision in test administration as well as an innovative approach to understanding data - knowing that a person is more than a series of test scores. Interpretation of results requires both clinical judgement and experience in understanding the context in which symptoms arose and integrating this information with an individual's unique test performance. The Life InSight team also prides itself in tackling complex and "hard-to-test" cases. Our clinicians understand that some individuals may require additional flexibility, patience and creativity to better engage with the evaluation process. Most importantly, we recognize that testing is a collaborative process that involves trust and rapport.


1. Intake

We begin by gaining a thorough understanding of you or your child, diving into details regarding developmental, medical, educational, and psychological history. Consultations and feedback from relevant providers or school staff can also prove useful.

2. Diagnostic Testing

Test administration typically takes 4-10 hours depending on the battery of tests required, the age and abilities of the individual, as well as the reason for referral. All testing is conducted in-person and can be completed in 1 to several days.

3. Classroom/In Home Observations (optional)

Observations of behavioral responses to family members, teachers and peers as well as the ability to work independently, comply with adult directives, or sustain attention in real world settings can be incorporated in the assessment process.

4. Report Write-up and Feedback

Your psychologist will work with you to ensure appropriate understanding of all test results and provide a step-by-step understanding of recommendations. This report can also be shared with a referral source or the school, after receiving parental consent.

Types of Evaluations

  • Neuropsychological Evaluation

    A neuropsychological evaluation is used for diagnostic clarity, school placement/planning, accommodations for standardized testing, or to help guide treatment. This is a comprehensive assessment of skills and abilities linked to brain function. The evaluation measures intellectual, academic, attention & executive functioning, verbal & visual memory, visual-spatial functioning, visual-motor integration, language, behavior, and mood & personality. The goal of a neuropsychological evaluation is to comprehensively assess and identify strengths and weaknesses across multiple areas which allow other treating professionals, teachers, and parents or guardians to understand better why your child may be having difficulty in specific areas. The evaluation will provide recommendations for the types of interventions or treatments that may be effective and appropriate, given your child’s particular set of strengths and weaknesses. 

  • Psycho-Educational Evaluation

    A psycho-educational evaluation targets learning and academic achievement. These batteries of tests also include a test of cognitive functioning (IQ) and measures that look into academic functioning in reading, writing, math, and language abilities. The evaluation compares how a child performs academically in comparison to others his/her age and about his/her intellectual capacity.  We are here to help better understand each child’s unique abilities, help make the most informed decisions possible regarding your child’s education, and work with your child so we can best support his/her learning.    

  • Autism Evaluation

    We perform a diagnostic evaluation to assist in determining the presence or absence of autism through the use of well-validated measures. We are trained and certified in the administration of the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-II (ADOS) and Childhood Autism Rating Scales (CARS), in conjunction with a series of other tests assessing one's ability to recognize emotions, take another's perspective, read facial expressions/body language, make social interpretations, and offer care or empathy to others in need. Recommendations are made based on direct observation & interaction, interviews, and available records. 

  • Disability Evaluation & Transition Planning Services

    We know the importance of transition planning for students with IEPs to help determine future goals based on skill level and personal desires as well as to develop a plan of action. Our team works with you and your family to help guide future planning, especially for ‘life beyond high school.’ Goals will generally encompass education/training, employment/vocational services, and independent life skills. 

    We begin by first gathering a detailed history through a thorough records review, clinical interview, feedback from school staff and relevant providers as well as diagnostic evaluations. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive profile of your child in areas of cognition, academics, attention/executive functioning, socio-emotional processes, and life skills. Understanding your child’s unique pattern of strength and weakness can not only help foster areas of interest but to guide services to bolster areas of challenge. Our goal is to help your loved one be prepared to take the next steps into adulthood.

    In addition, we offer specialized assessments that can be used to determine the level of severity or impact a disability may have on the quality of life or potential for independent living. Our team can provide guidance on 18-21 year old programs, eligibility for guardianship, social security disability insurance benefits or supplemental security income.  

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